i) In doing so I agree and support the Principles and Aims of promoting Equality and Diversity and working to eradicate mobility poverty, enable disabled people to take a more active role in their community and work tirelessly to eradicate discrimination enabling disabled people to live a life with dignity, respect, choice and independence.
ii) Disability Beyond Borders will assist in improving and promoting better physical and mental health to all disabled people by providing support, advice and information.
iii) We will give advice and guidance on matters of disability and access to other Organisations and Governments to enhance the life chances of disabled people.
iv) Disability Beyond Borders will work predominantly in Scotland, Ukraine and elsewhere to eradicate mobility poverty and discrimination against disabled people.
v) Contribute to the relief of life restrictions of disabled people by working with other organisations to ensure the standard, delivery and security of wheelchairs and mobility aids to those in most need in their respective countries.
vi) In becoming a member of Disability Beyond Borders I agree to treat other Members, Employees, Trustees and everyone I come in contact with as a member with dignity, respect and consideration without prejudice.
Thank you for sending your membership form.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.